The AntiChrist Detector
This leads to an interesting idea. If one can determine who the Antichrist is via ASCII numerology, then it would be a trivial process to automate this. One could simply write a program that takes a database of names and spits out a list of Antichrists.
Of course, where would one get such a database? Perhaps the phonebook? Maybe from some spammers mailing list? A tough problem indeed. After all, anyone who has a large list of names in a digital format probably won't give it away in the name of science, religion, or even amusement. They would want cash. Probably a lot of it.
So, the search for the Antichrist leads to the web. We can gather names via this website and have the Antichirsts volunteer information about themselves. It's fun for the whole family. Maybe your Aunt is the Antichrist? Or your Mom? What about your spouse? This is your opportunity to find out so you can do the right thing.
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