Saturday, September 25, 2004

Fork You - a paranormal party trick

Spoonbender - it's become a term used to insult those with an interest in the paranormal. Personally, I don't think there's anything paranormal about the phenomenon because it seems so downright NORMAL when you do can do it. For a very good description of what I'm talking about, Michael Crichton's non-fiction book "Travels" (see excerpt from book) describes his own experience with cutlery mutation. Whatever it is, it works just as well on forks - so I prefer to use the term 'forkbending' to try to avoid the crazy connotations associated with 'spoonbending'. Besides, forks make more interesting shapes on the whole, although they're a little scarier to work with.

I admit it is weirdness of the highest order, but it's weirdness that is very real. Everyday people can do it, which is why I'm so amazed it's still controversial. You could probably do it yourself. I'm no expert, but I started this site because there's so little about it on the web. I wanted to share my own amateur experience and hopefully encourage others who are more expert than me to bring their own knowledge to the web. I'm not really sure how it works, but it's fascinating anyway.

Fork You dot com


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