How do I know if a teen is involved with Satanism?
An unhealthy preoccupation with fantasy role-playing games like "Dungeons & Dragons."
An interest in Ouija boards and other occult games.
An obsession with heavy metal music, particularly black metal bands and other groups that use Satanic symbolism.
Books on magic, witchcraft, paganism and Satanism.
Objects used for spells or rituals, including candles, incense, knives, pentagrams, inverted crosses or the number 666.
Extreme secrecy. The teen will become obsessive about his privacy. He may be hiding materials in his room.
An addiction to horror movies.
Chronic depression, increased aggressive and violent behavior.
Wearing all black clothing.
Heh heh, find out more of this balderdash at DEVIL WORSHIP
Some of you may think this a joke, but this is serious stuff that you should stay way...
Let me tell you a true story that I'm blessed to know.
Some may joke and think this is fiction but is for real...
Mary, the mother of Jesus has appeared in person on this planet many times to crash the head of the snake, for example in the 13May1917 she appeared to 3 children in Fatima, Portugal with some messages from heaven in order to save the world from the hands of satan... cutting a long story short on the aniversary of the apparations 13May1981 John Paul II was shot as per one of the secrets that our Lady told the children back in 1917, the last children alive to receive the secrets from heaven died this year on the 13Feb2005, if you would like to know more about the events which took place, here is a safe source
Remember the messages from heaven have been acomplish by the time of the death of Lucy and any conspiracies which may be flowting about are absolutly rubish (finito), deal with what Jesus told you in the bible and always remember the following sentence whenever someone says that the secrets of fatima have not yet been fulfilled "... in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph."
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