Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Robot Frank

My name is Frank. Yes, I am a robot. Don't email me and make fun of me because I'm a robot. Chances are whatever you have to say I have heard before. Welcome to my website. On this page you can learn about me, see pictures of me, or even read my personal diary entries. First, heres a little background on my life: I live with a family that lets me stay in their basement. On weekends I like to hang out and party with my friends. I don't have a job during the week. I just hang out and do work around the house. The family recently bought a computer so I am teaching myself how to make a webpage. It's not easy to make a webpage. I always forget to check for spelling errors. I hope you enjoy my website.

Robots are becomeing ever more numerous

A good site in it's own way


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