I have been SO busy of late that my posts have been sporadic at best. Yuki and I are arranging all the myriad things that go into our wedding. We are looking for a new apartment which has to be found and leased by the end of October. Along with the accompanying search for trustworthy, affordable movers. I'm running two RPGs a week now. My office is moving across town to another building with all the ensuing madness of that sort of event. Plus a host of other minor time-suckng occurences. However things will calm down soon and voluminous posting willresume as it was in the past. Thank you for your patience and continued visitis to my site in the meantime. I honestly appreciate the chance to share my madness with you. If you'd care to, please leave a comment to this post with criticisms, comments, suggested sites I should post about, or just a shout-out and I will act on them as rapidly as possible. I would love to find out what sort of people are reading my blog!
Fo Rizzle,
Rev. Dr. E. Z. Willman
(also known on the web as: Captain Holocaust, The Iron Honkey and Cthulhu Eric)
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