Saturday, September 25, 2004

What Would Judas Do

Life isn't always easy.

Sometimes people, teenagers especially, need a little helping hand to help them through the tough times. Moral problems, peer pressure, drugs, and sex are all things that teenagers have to face. Luckily, teens, you know that you're never alone!

Judas, betrayer of Christ, is always looking up from the fiery pits of hell, watching you and helping you along the way. Whenever you are facing a crisis, just STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, and THINK: What Would Judas Do?

If you look at the situation reasonably, you can realize what Judas would do if he were faced with the same situation. Then you do it yourself, and you'll see that every problem gets resolved well.

This site is here to promote WWJD, What Would Judas Do. An organization devoted to spreading the gospel of Judas and helping people everywhere simplify thier lives by following Judas' example.



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