Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Hutchison Effect

Inventor: John Hutchison
The Invention: No formal name for machine.
Claimed Effects: Levitation of heavy, non-magnetic objects.
Details: In 1979, John Hutchison of Vancouver, Canada, accidentally discovered a remarkable phenomenon while experimenting with longitudinal waves - waves that another inventor, Nikola Tesla, had experimented with. According to The Hutchison Effect - An Explanation, what has become known as the Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of very powerful radio wave interferences. Heavy objects - even non-magnetic, non-metal objects - levitate or fly into the air. Objects of metal, porcelain, wood and rubber are affected. Hard alloy metals become soft and pliable. Hutchison even performed his experiments for scientists from Los Alamos Laboratory. The effect has been videotaped many times and even broadcast on network television. A complete understanding of the phenomenon has yet to be found, but the implications of its potential seem mind-boggling. 

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