Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I have a weird phrase going through my head this afternoon. It's from my Father's generation. I used to hear him and the other men of the same age group use it on construction sites and when discussing things that were not going well.
the phrase is : " Mongolian Clusterf*ck "

for some reason the cognitive resonance of that phrase is with me today like an echo in the corridors of a vast library.
Having married a chinese girl, it makes me want to ask her about it. You know, like..." So, uh...those Mongolians witht he horses and the steppes and the ghengis Khan and all that...um...did they really used to 'clusterf*ck?"

and then I would be all, " uh, and if so, uh...do you know how that was done? Could you demonstrate, perhaps, some of the key bodily positions of the act and all....you know...for science sake...."


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