Wednesday, April 28, 2004
For example, to get someone's business card and have it say " Mike Johnson - Enemy of the Truth" would be a great way to understand the depth of conviction of a Defense Lawyer to his proffession. Likewise, "Tanqueray Shenandoah - Filthy Whore" would be a great calling card for an escort or stripper. I advocate the addition of truly fitting titles to all business cards in our culture. I'm considering adding " - The Ignorantly Opinionated" to my card very soon. Or perhaps, "Rev. Dr. E. Z. Willman - irreverent, lazy, hedonist" might paint an accurate picture for a new acquaintance. I'm not sure but I think this 'truth in advertising' might improve the state of our nation. I mean, Would you vote for a politicion who's card read "Boss Hogg - Lying Slave to Corporate Interests"? No? Then our nation wouldn't be in the present pickle it's in right now! See, it IS a good idea. Comment below with what your business card would say:
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