I want to indulge in a little rant about Hybrid gas/electric cars. One of the main, obvious problems with hybrids is that they look like this:
and this:
These cars look like feeble ass. I wouldn't want to be seen driving one of these weak, dork-mobiles. How is a 45 year old man supposed to pick up 20 year old chicks in a ride that looks like this!? I'm only in my early 30s and they'd still have to pay me money to make me take one of these lumps off their lot.
In America, automotive image is vitally important. As the movie "The Fast and the Furious" pointed out so very visually. If you want to roll Hybrids off the lot as fast as you can make background credit checks then all you need to do is make them look like this:
Now I have used the Lotus specifically because it shares the necessity of ultra-light body design with the hybrid. Ultra-light body design is crucial because the hybrid motors aren't as powerful as the common engine and they need to drop as much weight as possible in the vehicle's design. This answer seems painfully obvious. Why are Hybrid manufacturers making such ugly freakin' cars!??!
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