Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Midnight Society

Midnight Society is an organization dedicated to preserving local legends and lore of historical information dealing with the metropolitan area. The stories featured on the website are views expressed by our readers and may or may not necessarily be the views of the Midnight Society organization itself or its sponsors. The information provided in the stories posted may or may not be factual. We try out best to follow up on these stories and try to only post those that seem the most truthful. Midnight Society focuses on what the public are saying, whether or not it is factual or not. As we know many legends are not 100% factual. However we do believe there is always a bit of truth to many legends and stories.
Please also note that Midnight Society is in no way responsible for your actions. Please follow the law to its full extent, which does vary from each different municipality. Whether it be trespassing, breaking and entering or any other violation of the law, we do not condone it or hold any responsibilities. This website is merely a forum for people to post and share their stories, experiences, and photographs.all contents and pictures property of Midnight Society NJ otherwise where else noted (c)2001

We need one of these here in Austin!
Midnight Society


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