The Energy Machine
The Invention: The Newman Motor/Generator.
Claimed Effects: Device has potential to produce virtually unlimited energy.
Details: Developed over 30 years, Newman's machine allegedly produces more energy than is input into it, something that the accepted laws of physics says is impossible. Newman says the principles of his invention could be applied to automobiles, appliances, farm equipment, ships and aircraft. If Newman's machine worked as he describes, what would it mean? An energy source that is abundant, inexpensive and environmentally safe - almost like magic. Despite his claims, however, Newman has yet to produce a device that has any practical application of the principles he claims to have discovered. He always seems to be looking for financing, and his current idea to do so is to auction off models of his motor/generator. Not surprisingly, Newman is not without his critics. At a site called Joe Newman's Free Energy Claims - are they valid?, Newman is called "dishonorable, incompetent or just plain nuts." According to this site, in a test performed by the National Bureau of Standards, Newman's machine only returned one-third to two-thirds the energy put into it.
Newman's own site
Joe Newman's Free Energy Claims - are they valid?
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