Wednesday, November 10, 2004

5 Reasons to Buy a Balltrimmer:

1. Instant Results

Most women said that if their man were neatly groomed they’d spend more time with Mr. Happy. The Balltrimmer removes hair in just seconds.

2. Trims or Shaves Sensitive areas

Wish she would, trim your wood. The Balltrimmer trims or shaves pubic hair.

3. No Nicks, Cuts or Burns

Don’t despair, remove that hair without irritation. Try it you might like it and if you already are a dream and keep it clean, throw away those scissors, razors, or beard trimmers and get yourself a Balltrimmer.

4. Pencil Slim, Light Weight

The Balltrimmer is ideal for the most sensitive and hard to reach areas. It operates on a AAA battery that are included.

5. Ladies prefer it neat

Give the ladies a treat and be sweet, keep it neat buy a Balltrimmer.


I really shouldn't have posted this. But I did and there you have it. A device specially designed to trim your pubic hair. Why not, I guess. The advertising text was funny enough to MAYBE warrant posting it.


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