Thursday, November 11, 2004

Unknown fire and jelly-like creatures live in Earth's atmosphere

"The hypothesis about the existence of little-studied forms of life in the Earth's atmosphere has been an attraction for scientists for quite a long time. American researcher Charles Fort wrote in his work "The Book of the Damned" that there were weird, jelly-like beings living in the Earth's atmosphere. Medusa-like creatures, Fort wrote, had stings and tentacles, which they used to hunt for birds. The existence of such creatures seemed to be unbelievable for a very long time, until American scientists developed a special substance, aerogel."

click here for more

Now, what makes this EXTRA FREAKY is this fictional story here, written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1913 CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY

In this tale he discusses these VERY LIFEFORMS before there was ANY scientific evidence to support the claim of their existence. STRANGER STILL, his descriptions of the beasts were eerily accurate too. Check out the 'truth is as strange as fiction" wierdness of the first article and the Doyle story, "The Horror of the Heights"

Weird stuff! -- Eric


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