Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Anti-Gravity Vehicle

Inventor: Thomas Townsend Brown
The Invention: Anti-gravitic devices
Claimed Effects: Nothing less than anti-gravity which he demonstrated in flying saucers.
Details: Brown designed and flew strange metal saucer-like discs for more than 40 years, claims this site. And although Brown died only in 1987, there don't seem to be any photographs, film or video of any of his vehicles in flight. According to witnesses, however, Brown flew the thin discs while they were tethered to a pole, flying around and around with no apparent means of motive force. Brown said they were powered by a strange electrical phenomenon he called "the Biefeld-Brown effect." How did it work? A website titled simply Thomas Townsend Brown says, "The Biefeld-Brown Effect says an electrical condenser, when charged, will move toward its positive pole and remain so positioned until discharged, if free to do so, regardless of which pole or which side of the dielectric is made positive. The reaction is a finite but vanishingly small movement of all the other matter in the Universe. But the nearest masses are affected first and most!" Wouldn't we all like to see it really work?
More Information:
Thomas Townsend Brown


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