A call for 'family' stories
Part of what I want to include as points on the site is being able to read other people’s family stories that relate – or make others THINK they relate to the film – so what I’d like to ask of each of you, if you have time and inclination, is to write out two short family stories from your own life and send them to me. These stories should be no more than a paragraph, and there should be one really great, beautiful and inspiring story about family, and also another that will support the dark side of the film that will show how screwed up families can be. These stories will help to inspire the direction of the site, and will be at the core of the advertising campaign, so as many as we can get would be great. They can just start as simply as “I remember when…”. They do not need to be fancy, but should be honest. This movie is about two people trying to find themselves from two VERY different perspectives, and what is so great about this story is its honesty, and everything else surrounding it support that. I’m not asking anyone to air their dirty laundry, certainly, unless you WANT to – and all stories can be anonymous if you’d prefer. I know that writing stuff can take a bit, so I’m starting early, and anything anyone wants to contribute will be greatly appreciated!
Just COMMENT on this post if you have anything. Thanks a lot! --Eric ( on behalf of Josh )
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