Friday, December 03, 2004

Edge Breakers

Hilarious site where people rat out former straight-edge followers. In depth lists that can be searched by individual state. Maybe your town's annoying tee-totaler is on here?

"Are you having a hard time keeping track of all the edge breaking? Or have you ever thought to yourself, "Wasn't that dude edge? When did he start drinking the brews?" Well, set your fears to rest. Below, you will find a list of dudes who are no longer edge. And for your convenience, we also list their home town, so you can decide whether you care or not, of if you should jock them. Plus, what better way to surprise your secret sipping friend? Follow the Add an Edge Breaker link to add your own favorite edgebreaker." - Edge Breakers

Edge Breakers

I remember straight edge gooberheads in the eighties. They filled me with laughter like both racist and angrily non-racist skinheads! People are stupid and their stupid, untenable fads only put their stupidity in the spotlight for all to enjoy - Eric


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