Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The REAL X-Men

They have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men or women. But unlike the characters of the comic book, these extraordinary people were quite real.

The movie version of X-Men was the hottest film in the theaters when it was released. Based on the enormously popular comic book, X-Men features a collection of human mutants - both good and evil - who were born with extraordinary and sometimes bizarre powers. With such names as Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Magneto and Mystique, they bound around making blades spring from their knuckles, conjuring hurricanes from the sky or manipulating their environment through telekinesis. These characters, creations of legendary comic book author and illustrator Stan Lee, live only in the imagination, on paper and now on film.

Would you believe there are real X-Men? They may not be genetic mutants, in the strictest sense, and they may not be able to threaten or save the world with their strange and fantastic powers of the body and mind, but they are extraordinary... not at all like you and me. Here's our own gallery of real-life super-powered characters.

Lightning Man - When storm clouds gather, courageous Lightning Man stands in defiance of nature to draw deadly bolts of electricity from the heavens.
BeastMaster - With just the power of his mind, he can command animals to do his bidding.
The Electromagneto Team - Charged like superconducting human batteries, they  roam the countryside thrilling all they meet with the electrifying power at their fingertips.
The Amazing Kinetitron - With her thoughts alone, a steely glance or a subtle gesture, she can  move inanimate objects at will.
Pyro-Elasto Man - Watch him stretch his body to incredible lengths and handle red-hot flaming embers in his bare hands. 
The Incredible X-Ray - There's no hiding evil deeds from the Incredible X-Ray whose penetrating X-ray vision sees all.
Microscopo and Telescopique - Like super-powerd human scientific instruments, these heroes use their fantastic vision to see microscopic details or great distances.
Medictron, the Healer - With the unknown force emanating from his miraculous hands, Medictron has the power to heal all forms of injuries and maladies.



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