Wednesday, April 28, 2004

A New Tactic

Perhaps im just ignorant of the full facts or don't fully understand battlefield logistics, but why dont we just pour millions of dollars into researching a gas that will knock enemy combatants unconscious for several hours without killing them? Our troops could just sweep throught the battlefield and disarm them once they were sleeping. Once enemy troops have no weapons, what are they gonna do? Throw rocks? No problem! Gun down those troublemakers without mercy and the others will quickly shut the fuck up, I would think. It's a humanitarian trade off of a few lives for many. If you have five thousend enemy troops on a particular battlefield and you win by taking all thier weapons and killing only those hundred or so crazy enought to fight you with their bare hands, then you are decidedly the hero of that particular conflict, hands-down.

What is the problem with a war for pacification as opposed to a war for destruction? If you want to win the hearts and minds of a population, try NOT killing their fathers, sons and brothers in blitzkreig airstrikes and instead sending them home to their wives, girlfrinds and mothers. It would seem pretty obvious who the 'good-guy' in that scenario is.

Sooner or later you will disarm the entire country and then the negotiations are pretty one sided I would think. I mean, make your demands and well, there you have it. They don't have much of a choice since they CAN'T fight you. This surely would severely curtail war-crimes, massacres, and other unsightly blemishes on the honor of our combat troops. And hey! They can even rob the enemy soldiers blind while they're disarming them! Woohoo! Now that's soldierey!

Perhaps I'm missing some facet of the situation here. Any comments on what's wrong with my scheme? Comment below.


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