Saturday, January 23, 2010

8 great new names for news shows

8 great new names for news shows
1. News nuttery
2. Weekly wank
3. Daily dose
4. Idiotic illiteration
5. Here's Kirsty!
6. The day.
7. Newsgrill
8. The nude news. With Kirsty!

Friday, January 22, 2010

8 great new names for factual shows

8 great new names for factual shows
1. Embarrassing diseases are cool
2. Toasted genitalia
3. History splash!
4. Tony's "the history of hair loss"
5. History fetish
6. Art: The dawn of shit
7. Art: The dawn of dawn
8. Shit Review

Monday, January 18, 2010

8 great new names for sports shows

8 great new names for sports shows
1. Kick!
2. Punch!
3. Slap!
4. Football love
5. Sports quiz! With desperation!
6. What a load of Rugby
7. Shouting people
8. Horse shooting