Saturday, September 25, 2004


Friends, are you tired of the free-wheeling, undisciplined chaos of the non-corporate world around you? Do the people in your life demonstrate unfortunate leanings towards such scourges as informality, spontaneity, and original thought? Luckily for you, these detestable traits (and more) can be easily brought to their knees. Simply distribute INSTANT BUREAUCRACY forms to your friends, neighbors, and family members, and you too can experience the power and mindless serenity of a ladder-climbing automaton!



Contrary to what people might believe, and the media might occasionally say, is not an anti-cop site, and we do not believe that ALL cops are bad. We do however believe that there are cops out there that should have never been issued a badge to begin with. For that reason, this site exists. Here you can state your comments AND complaints about police officers, whether good or bad we publish them all. We are often asked why this site was started to begin with. Originally, it was created to piss off some local cops and there was such a tremendous response that we decided to keep it. When was originally created, there were only 4-5 sites pertaining to bad law enforcement. Now there are hundreds. This site now gets over 1,000 visitors a day. DARE also had a big part of it!


Victorian-era Robots

Here is the most extensive collection of images and information on Victorian-era robots to be found in the whole World Wide Web.

Read illustrated accounts of the world's first robot, the Steam Man, created in 1865! Subsequent automatons such as the Electric Man and the Automatic Man are also profiled. The most comprehensive section, with more than 20 pages, concerns the mechanical man known as Boilerplate--described as "charming" by U.S. News and World Report and declared "cool" by NASA!

Steam Robots



Frank Reade


What the hell...?
If you remember only one thing about this website, it should be that we here at live only to provide for you. YOUR CHALLENGE IDEAS --> OUR CARRIED OUT CHALLENGES --> YOUR ENJOYMENT OF TYPICAL CRAP

Sort of a Jack-Ass Group that you get to make shit up for them to do...FUN!!!



Since the death of Franco in 1975 there have been many changes and developments in Spain. This once seemingly isolated country, the last bastion of Europe against the massive and turbulent continent of Africa, has hurtled into the European mainstream.

In the midst of the 'Brave New World' there is a continuance, a regression and an expansion of a culture of cruelty to animals that is barbarous and medieval. FAACE has worked, since 1987, to study and expose the Blood Fiestas and bullfighting in Spain.

Many thousands of these horrific Blood Fiestas take place in villages throughout Spain each year.

The vast majority of Blood Fiestas use cattle as their victims. Bulls, cows and calves from the bullfighting herds are tortured and killed.

This is not a Joke


Now here's an interesting article in the spirit of the hobo wine article i posted earlier. It's 3 homeless bums taste testing 40oz malt liquor. Hilarity ensues.


Bouffant Hairdo Extravaganza

A pictorial celebration of the most glamorous hairstyle of the 1960s, as worn by various female celebrities of the past and present on television, in the movies, and in various photo illustrations.

The 1960s bouffant hairdo: Jackie Kennedy popularized it, but it took Hollywood, skilled hairstylists and an entire generation of glamour girls of that era to bring it to the pinnacle of eye-catching beauty as the decade progressed. By perhaps 1965 or 1966, the bouffant reached its peak of spellbinding enchantment, and became synonymous with romantic evenings or glamorous, star-studded events. The style proved to be a perfect companion to a long, off-the-shoulder, sequined evening gown, but also did fine accompanied by shorter dresses. Either way, the bouffant hairdo truly epitomized a woman's crowning glory whenever she wanted to be noticed.

Beauty and the Bouffant

So, you wanna be a psychic ?

So, you wanna be a psychic and give psychic readings, just like John Edward ? Pretty simple. All you have to learn is cold and hot reading techniques, an understanding of probability, a slick tongue to fall on your feet gracefully, and you'll be on your way to scam lots of people.

Cold reading, the most important tool in your arsenal, is basically the study of a person's appearance and movement. Depending on the kind of scam you want to run, this may be more or less useful. All you usually need to observe are :
* the age of the person - The older the person, the more likely you can get hits on deaths and children. The younger the person, the more you should orient on personal problems and parents.
* mode of dress - The more well-dressed the person, the more likely that his problems are not monetary.
* body language - You can observe a person's reactions during the reading. A person who nods or changes posture suddently is in agreement with your reading.

Here is a good application of cold reading techniques, which also illustrates how one initial hit can develop into a wonderful reading

This page explains the slick scam of cold readings, such as those done on the John Edwards show

Cold Reading Techniques

How to shave your unmentionable parts safely

"Do you want to learn to shave your pubic hair, project a cleaner image, or do you have medical reasons for shaving your body? This website is here to give you advice on how to remove hair from all over. We've tried to cover different methods of hair removal with a special concentration on areas that others don't like to talk about.

There are little nuances in the different areas. Some areas are OK for shaving and for waxing but not for depillatories. Other areas are great for everything. You'll want to read a little for more info.

I hope I can pass on some information that you find useful."

Scary as this sounds at first, this is actually full of good advice. A public service.

Pubic Shave dot com

Female or She-Male

I almost didn't post this for reasons of taste but it was pretty funny in concept so here it is anyway. Test your drag spotting skills with...

Female or She-Male

Fork You - a paranormal party trick

Spoonbender - it's become a term used to insult those with an interest in the paranormal. Personally, I don't think there's anything paranormal about the phenomenon because it seems so downright NORMAL when you do can do it. For a very good description of what I'm talking about, Michael Crichton's non-fiction book "Travels" (see excerpt from book) describes his own experience with cutlery mutation. Whatever it is, it works just as well on forks - so I prefer to use the term 'forkbending' to try to avoid the crazy connotations associated with 'spoonbending'. Besides, forks make more interesting shapes on the whole, although they're a little scarier to work with.

I admit it is weirdness of the highest order, but it's weirdness that is very real. Everyday people can do it, which is why I'm so amazed it's still controversial. You could probably do it yourself. I'm no expert, but I started this site because there's so little about it on the web. I wanted to share my own amateur experience and hopefully encourage others who are more expert than me to bring their own knowledge to the web. I'm not really sure how it works, but it's fascinating anyway.

Fork You dot com


"A Breatharian is a person who can, under the correct conditions, live with or without eating food."

The Breatharian Institute of America is a school of practical spiritual training for God realization and does not consist of any rites, rituals, ceremonies, dogmas, priesthood, or church or temple worship.


One ANGRY muthafuckin Asian girl

I am an anti-geisha. I am not Japanese, I am Chinese. There is a difference between the two, you know. I have gigantic size 9 1/2 feet, crater zits that breaks out through my "silky skin" before and after and during my period, and a loud mouth that screams profanities and insults and my mind. I have a little pot-belly, I have an ass that needs to go to the gym. I have hangnails and callouses and blisters and baggage (emotional, historical, and whatever the hell else kind of baggage that is keeping HIM from taking a chance on someone who actually gives a shit about herself).

See this first

Now start from the beginning

Hobbit Hole for sale

Wow, this is cool! Check out this freaky geo-techno-house

And that means comfort


Call them bum wines, street wines, fortified wines, wino wines, or twist-cap wines.  Whatever you call these beverages for the economical drunkard, this page explores the top five.  So curl up on a heating duct and enjoy...

An explanatory text about your favorite awful hobo beverages.


Seven Deadly Sins

Hey look at this! A simple explanatory site of the seven deadly sins, with lots of extra material too. It's a winner! Good design. Easy to read. A groovy site.


Silent Ladies and Gents

Photo Galleries of Silent Movie Stars. Quite extensive in my opinion. Very neat for oldie film buffs or if you just want to know what the fuck Clara Bow looked like anyway. VERY good quality pictures in most cases. A good reference site for character photos for Call of Cthulhu. Look at me letting my dorkness hang out like an unzipped fly. Oh well. Praise Cthulhu!

Photo Archive

WTF was wrong with people in the 70s??!!??

MOST of my adult life I have railed about what was wrong about the 70s. The advent of "That 70s Show" made me pissed off for like WEEKS! This site serves as wonderful ammunition for my ongoing crusade to STAMP OUT THE 70s! JUST LOOK AT IT!!!

Actually this is a site devoted to people in matching outfits. It's only coincidental i suppose that it has images from the 60s and 70s

Matching outfit BASTARDS

Going to Japan Soon?

Sure, Zen gardens, sushi and the Sony Walkman are great, but the greatest Japanese invention of all time has to be the love hotel. In the concrete wasteland of the modern Japanese city, the love hotel stands out as a refreshingly off-the-wall  escape from conformity, a monument to hedonism, and a libertine's paradise.  It's also a godsend when you're tired of taking your girlfriend back to your gaijin apartment with its half-inch plywood walls and nosy neighbours. Nearly every foreigner in Japan has a love hotel story to tell and number of Japanese people who were conceived in one must be enormous.
     The love hotel is changing though, and the news isn't all good.  They've gone upscale, lost some of their sleazy associations and the decors have become more tasteful but the bad news is that in an effort to clean up their image, they got rid of a lot of the exciting theme rooms. Although they still exist, its getting harder and harder to find places with bumper cars and disco lights.
     Love hotels have even changed their name. Japanese people never say “rabu hoteru” anymore and although the abbreviation  “rabu-ho” is still used, the hotels themselves always refer to themselves as ‘fashion hotels’ (in Kansai) and ‘couples hotels’ or ‘boutique hotels’ (in Kanto). 

Love Hotels

Plenty of pictures and explanatory text!

The Donald Rumsfeld Audio Library of Quotations.

You probably thought that they had gone forever. However, for your enjoyment, Broadcasting House has diligently gathered together this fine collection of off-the-cuff remarks from one of the only remaining world superpower's most ingenious wordsmiths.

Rivalled only by the President himself, Mr Rumsfeld is prodigious in his output. Now, straight from the horse's mouth, hand-crafted from the finest Soundbite TM, mounted and polished for your pleasure, we give you:

The Donald Rumsfeld Library of Quotations.

Where do they get these guys?  Listen to this old warmonger-fucker! 

The Maitreya Project

As a Buddhist ( No, it's true. I actually am. Just not a good all. ) this site is groovily appealing to me. However, i think the sheer magnitude and spectacle of it will appeal to a wide audience of internet thrill seekers. Check out this lil bit O info:

"The goal of the Maitreya Project is to bring the greatest possible benefit to as many as possible, for as long as possible. As its focus, Maitreya Project is building a magnificent 500ft / 152m bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha."

That's right friends, almost 50 stories high!!! DAMN! It's like Godzilla!

It's BUDDHA, Baby!

This site is well designed, full of boss content and excellent in many ways. It's especially entertaining for the ladies. I highly recommend it.



Okay at first this site doesn't seem like much of anything. But as you browse the page after page lineup of photos, you begin to realize that this is choice imagery here. Real data from a bygone day. And EXCELLENT stock photo action for projects.


An exhibition curated by Diane Keaton for the Los Angeles Public Library September 1999


To be up-front with any new visitors who may not be abreast the current situation: The site had a large following, and the Boob Fund inflated quite robustly. While I was always perky, I am now a more well-rounded person. I bought my new big tits on June 6th, 2003 (D-Day). I am full of appreciation for all my fans, you are all quite swell, and my cups runneth over.


People gave a HOT asian girl some boobs and the world was a better place. I say, LET'S DO IT AGAIN!

How to Make a Golem

A Golem is a mystical creature of clay and dust who follows the instructions of their master without question.  They are rumored to be extremely strong and practically indestructible.  They're good at carrying out menial tasks and are handy around the house. And the best part about a Golem is that it can't talk! The Golem is part of Jewish legend. The word "golem" means (or implies) something unformed and imperfect, or a body without a soul. Here are instructions on How to Make a Golem

How to Make a Golem

The Official Site Of "The Lawn Chair Pilot"

I first heard about Larry Walters' historic balloon flight around 1995. After doing some research to confirm it was true, I then published what I knew about it on my aviation web site in 1999. After doing so, I received many emails from all over the world concerning this amazing story. But simply put, most of my readers did not believe this story was true. Therefore, to set the record straight, I went right to the source who was there when it happened -- Larry's family. For the past several years, I have interviewed Larry's girlfriend Carol and his mother and sisters. I also spoke with REACT, the CB radio monitoring organization, and was given permission by them to publish the audio file of the actual flight from 1982. I believe I have the most accurate information concerning Larry's flight (not all of which is published on this web site at this time).

This page was put together to give my visitors 100% accurate information about Larry's flight. Most other web sites that have information on this story are not totally correct. But that's what happens on the Internet and is why you should use this site as your first resource.

What you are about to read and listen to is a by-product of many years of research and interviews. And the audiotape that you will listen to is so rare that not even Larry's mother knew it existed until I told her about it.

This is probably the most complete and accurate web page about Larry Walters' incredible flight currently on the Internet. A lot of time and effort went into the research and the building of this page and I hope you will enjoy it.

Man attaches 45 balloons to lawn chair and flys 16,000 feet

Ulli's Roy Orbison In Clingfilm Website

Hello, and welcome to my homepage. My name is Ulrich Haarbürste and I like to write stories about Roy Orbison being wrapped up in cling-film. If you have written any stories about Roy being completely wrapped in clingfilm please send them to me and I may put them up on the site. If you have a site with stories about other pop stars being wrapped in cling-film mail me and we can exchange links.

Roy Orbison In Clingfilm

OMGWTFBBQ!!! - this is among the wierdest things i have EVER posted

Los Straitjackets

Imagine a Mexican wrestler / Surf guitar band with great production and tight musical skills. That is well marketed and branded and an excellent all-around media experience. Well Here They Are

What Would Judas Do

Life isn't always easy.

Sometimes people, teenagers especially, need a little helping hand to help them through the tough times. Moral problems, peer pressure, drugs, and sex are all things that teenagers have to face. Luckily, teens, you know that you're never alone!

Judas, betrayer of Christ, is always looking up from the fiery pits of hell, watching you and helping you along the way. Whenever you are facing a crisis, just STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, and THINK: What Would Judas Do?

If you look at the situation reasonably, you can realize what Judas would do if he were faced with the same situation. Then you do it yourself, and you'll see that every problem gets resolved well.

This site is here to promote WWJD, What Would Judas Do. An organization devoted to spreading the gospel of Judas and helping people everywhere simplify thier lives by following Judas' example.


the Tattoo Baby Dolls

Somehow i feel as though i have always known this hobby was afoot. In olden days, folks used to practice on pigs, I once heard. ( I have NO proof of that claim ) Anyhow, check out the groovy tatoo art on these dolls

Tattoo Dolls


OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 2002-2003. With english translations. This is some interesting stuff here my friends. This is a little peek into our mediocre psi-ops in the gulf. still, it's hisotrically noteworthy. You may be amused by more than one of these. I was.



WOW this is neat!
After the images load, run your mouse over the clasped hands.
Make sure your sound is on.


A Depression Era Art Gallery

This page is very graphics heavy and will take several minutes to load depending on the speed of your connection. It has really interesting depression era images from a wide variety of artists

Art Dammit, Hard working, Money saving ART!

Mirabilis Statuarius Vehiculum

Over 300,000 miles and climbing. This car will kick your ass.

Freaky Ass Car

Coaxial Electromagnetic Mass Accelerator

ccelerates projectile using only magnetic fields. Projectile velocity over 600 miles per hour. Shatters concrete bricks over 40 feet from the gun.

I Want One!


Stifled by Polynesian dance and upscale Bora Bora boutiques, many young Spiky Bras migrated to Off Broadway productions, summer stock and dinner theatre. Soon they were found adorning adoring staffs of trendy eateries in New Orleans and Boston. Bold or coquettisn, we can help you with your fetish


Post-Natal Abortion Center

Q: What is a post-natal abortion?
A: Sometimes a mother gives birth only to discover -- sometimes immediately, sometimes much later -- that she has made a mistake. A post-natal abortion is simply the clean, efficient disposal of that "mistake". We at the Sweetwater Post-Natal Abortion Clinic believe this is a deeply personal choice that every mother has the right to make. Our message to mothers: it's not too late to change your mind!

Post-Natal Abortion Center

How dodgy are you?

Going to law is losing a cow for the sake of a cat." -- Chinese proverb.

Now that you've had a minute or two to ponder the depth of the above quote, think for a moment about your own dealing with The Law.

Is it a barrier you will never cross? Or more of a system which you're happy to ignore if it impedes your lifestyle?

TheSite has put together a quiz that will discover which side you sit when it comes to dealings with the judiciary system of this country. We will tell you, clearly and bluntly, just how dodgy you are.

Take the Test


Since this site is called the Atomic Monkey Apocalypse, how could I not post this site glorifying B. Wolverton's masterwork, THE APOCALYPSE ? This is great stuff you should see. PLUS, for the more crafty of us out there who know no compunction against copyright violation, this is a sweet punk / metal band flyer art resource.


Tijuana Bibles

Tijuana Bibles were pornographic tracts popular in America before the advent of mass-market full-color glossy wank-fodder such as Playboy. A typical bible consisted of eight stapled comic-strip frames portraying characters and celebrities (eg. John Dillinger, Popeye, Disney characters) in wildly sodomistic situations. Many could be considered grossly racist, sexist, and otherwise wholly "politically incorrect." Browser discretion is advised.

Tijuana Bibles


Summertime is rapidly approaching which means soon, in your neck of the woods, the fair is coming to town. If you're like me, you've spent tons of cash trying to win some giant bootleg Disney stuffed animal trying to throw balls into a bucket.  Well waste your money no longer! Here's a handy guide on beating the carnival games so you can have the upper hand!

I Hate Carnies!

Pit Heads

I don't wanna like these...but DAMMIT I do! Man carves tiny faces in fruit pits:

Pit Heads

A Virtual Tour of Highgate Cemetery

Very neat pictures to steal for a classy Halloween party flyer

City of Shadows

The Buckner building

"The Buckner building, as it appeared in 1995. The Buckner has 273,660 square feet under one roof, and was called “A City under One Roof”. Though now empty and unused, it was at one time a very active facility. Among its amenities were a rifle range, bowling alley, movie theater, and a radio station"

This is the GREATES "mad-scientist-seeks-secret-lair-to-build-atomic-robot-army-of-death-ray-wielding-supermen" piece of real-estate I have EVER seen. Even better than those abandoned missile silos the government sells now. Just think about it! Am I wrong here?

Check it out

electromagnetic signals and radiation emanating from an underground source

Two scientists affiliated to the Fundación Instituto Biofísico de Investigaciones (FICI) headquartered in La Matanza and directed by Pedro Romaniuk, one of the most well-known analysts of the UFO phenomenon and an author of 20 books on the subject, claimed having picked up radioactive signatures, microwaves, levels of electricity and oscillations originating from the depths of the earth. 
Omar Hesse and Jorge Millstein surveyed the mountains surrounding Cachi last week -- 157 km from the capital and 2,280 meters above sea level. After applying a Russian tester in the vicinity of the Nevado de Cachi, they concluded that the signals are not natural in origin, and rather originate by machinery operated by intelligent beings (sic). 
"The oscillations clearly indicate that kilometers beneath the surface there is activity: alternating electrical waves, which means a power source," said Hesse. "This could mean engines," he added. 
The area was not chosen at random: it was based on 4 film recordings made by local mountaineer Antonio Zuleta between June 2000 and November 2002. All of them show analogous images--strange, swiftly moving lights which appear to "plunge" into the ground at the same point. The researchers calculated the site’s location and accompanied by Zuleta himself, reported to the area some 8 km to the southwest. 

Click here for the article Heh Heh, Agartha here we come ;-)

GI Photo Joe - World War II Combat Photographer

Welcome to the GI Photo Joe web site; it is here that reality blends with the imaginary with a bit of fun mixed in.  My intent is not to mislead the viewer into thinking that these images are actual combat photos - they were manipulated to entertain the action figure enthusiast.

The goal of the action figure photographer is to set up scenes and try to make them appear as though they were actual combat photos.  My approach to photographing action figures is different; I find actual combat photos and combine them with action figures through the use of image-editing software.  This technique produces images that are not intended to disrespect or make light of the soldiers and photographers that served in World War II.

Some People..

Somewhere there's a FURIOUSLY ENRAGED WWII vet scowling at this site.

Modern Femmes Fatale

Cheesecake sweetness in the style of Bettie Page but with modern girls. This is a lovely, lovely thing. Very nice in a kinky but not overtly perverse sort of way. If you are a Bettie Page fan as I am, you will surely enjoy this.

Modern Femme Fatales

Jeanne Carmen

Trick shot golfer, Hollywood party girl, Marilyn Monroe pal, kiss-and-tell autobiographer; Jeanne Carmen is all this and more. In the early 1950's, Carmen took the road often traveled by glamour gals. She competed and won several beauty contest and then tried to parlay that into an acting career. Her first stop was New York, and then it was off to Hollywood. Along the way, she became a favorite of the cheesecake crowd first as a brunette and then later as you classic blonde bombshell. At the age of 18, she was taught to be a trick golfer by tirck shot master Jack Redmond. This was all a gimmick done just to sell women's golf wear, but it wound up being Carmen's passkey into the world of the Hollywood's elite. At the Actor's Studio she met up with fellow glamour gal Marilyn Monroe. This friendship last until Monroe's death and included enough juicy escapades to fill page after page in Carmen's tell-all book "My Friend Marilyn: The Real Story, Plus Other Celebrities I've Played With." And those celebrities, according to Carmen, included JFK, RFK, Elvis, Sinatra, and Bob Hope, just to name a few. During her party girl heyday, she did manage to become a B-movie Queen with such films as "The Monster of Piedras Blancas" and "Untamed Youth" (alongside Mamie Van Doren). Carmen never made the sort of cultural impact that her pal Monroe made, but became of those great Hollywood icons known more for their exploits off screen rather than on. Carmen's legacy as a glamour gal has been brought to a new generation with a recent E! True Hollywood Story based on her where the still fabulous Carmen kiss-and-tells all over again.

Jeanne Carmen


I cannot play an instrument, but the band that I hope to join already has their vocalist firmly established with nary a dream of dismissal. Ever. The band I speak of is a punishing death metal cabal boasting a human drummer, a human guitarist, a human bassist … and a fucking Congo African Grey parrot named Waldo as their mouthpiece. Separately, they are humble minions of the Ever-Reigning Supreme Lord of Darkness. Aligned together, they are HATEBEAK!


Disney Haters Site

Disney Disney Disney...I'm pretty sick of thier declining quality too. But I don't HATE 'em like some folks do. Check out the stuff here for hitherto unknown anti disney rantings

Douse the Mouse

6 Degrees of Jack Nicholson

In this contest we're going to prove to the world that Jack Nicholson is everywhere. Basically the idea is that you have free reign to do anything with any image (within site guidelines) so long as Jack Nicholson appears in the image in some form or another. A free-for-all with limitations. Yeah, that's the ticket! This is NOT a mating contest. You don't need to mate Jack with another person, simply use him in the image you create, i.e. Jack at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Jack as a Dairy Queen employee, etc.

The rules of this game are thus: Use any image of Jack Nicholson somewhere in your pic. He can be edited, inserted, manipulated, cloned etc...the sky is the limit so long as any image of him is used somehow. As always, quality is a must. We will remove poor entries no matter how much we like you. You'll have 48 hours for this contest, so make your submission count.

6 Degrees of Jack Nicholson

Yesterday's Tomorrows

So, it's the 21st century already! Where are our George Jetson space crafts? And our personal robots? Will there ever be a real "Time Machine?" What did the future look like for our grandparents and parents? What does it hold for us? For our children?

Welcome to "Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future," a traveling exhibition that explores the history of the future--our expectations and beliefs about things to come. From ray guns to robots, to nuclear powered cars, to the Atom-Bomb house, to predictions and inventions that went awry, "Yesterday's Tomorrows" helps us understand the values and hopes Americans hold and have held about the years to come.

Neat-O, Keen-O stuff

Orgasmatic Washing Machine

Strange, Brittish, Flash Designed, Saucy Sounding. A game.

Makes me wonder if girls have done this.



Welcome to, a project of World Carfree Network., Car Busters magazine, and the Car Busters Resource Centre are tools for the grassroots global carfree movement - activists, campaigners and engaged citizens from around the world who want to take on car culture and promote alternative ways of life. Read more about us.

This Post is to counteract the wrong of the car-fuckers post I did a moment ago


Sex With Cars

Are you sexually attracted to cars? Have you had sex with a car?
I'm sexually attracted to certain cars. My favorites include many of the 80's GM G-Bodies such as the Buick Grand National, Chevy Monte Carlo SS, and the Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Coupe/442. I also find the 2nd and 3rd generation Camaros attractive along with the 2rd generation Trans Ams. However, there are very few cars made after 1987 appeal to me. The only modern cars that I find sexy are the Mustang and the Cadillac Seville. Quite an interesting mix.

What do you do if you are sexually attracted to cars? You find ways to have sex with them!
How does one go about having sex with a car? One guide to sex with cars is here. However, I generally don't use the method described in that guide. I'm more of a body man.
I've met quite a few people through this website and I'm amazed to find that this is a global fetish. Since Americans are so car centric, I assumed that most of the people I'd meet would be American. However, I've met people from many different countries including those with governments that would probably put you to death for car sex

Not IN them...WITH them

Care to see something unsettling?

An art project that is interesting and well done. If eerie and slightly unsettling to look at. It's not violent. It's not nude. It doesn't involve feces or blood. But it creeps me out.

Tragic Beauties

Do it yourself Circumcision

Today has been blowing my freakin mind!!! Look at this insanity, THIS IS FOR REAL!!! A Do-It-Yourself Circumcision Kit!!! Oh for the love of Pete, SOMEBODY make the interent-madness stop.

Just kidding! Bring it On!! Bring it ALL on!!!!

Circumcize me Baby!


Pictues of pretty good photoshop work. A sort of artful photomontage technique combining humans and animals in a completely non-furry way. This non-sexual human animal hybrid art gallery is an interesting sight


I hate Furriedom. That stuff makes me disappointed in humanity. This stuff however, is good computer art skill at work

Flatulence Deodorizer

Buddha's Name Be Praised! ( Kung Fu movie equivalent to OMG ) I am afriad this might be serious! Very afraid and yet...strangely compelled...

It's a FART de-odorizing pants inset from anti gas-warfare technologies! I'm serious. I think this is actually a true product. I can't tell if they're joking. Check it out!

Flatulence Deodorizer

This web site is designed to spread the vicious truth about the Bible.  For far too long priests and preachers have completely ignored the vicious criminal acts that the Bible promotes.  The so called “God” of the Bible makes Osama Bin Laden look like a Boy Scout.  This God, according to the Bible, is directly responsible for many mass-murders, rapes, pillage, plunder, slavery, child abuse and killing, not to mention the killing of unborn children.  I have included references to the Biblical passages, so grab your Bible and follow along. 

This Rocks the Hizouse!

Masked Psychos - Viva Lucha Libre!!!

Get ready San Francisco, Lucha VaVOOM is coming! That's right, the Masked Mexican Wrestling/Burlesque hybrid will make its San Francisco debut with their Halloween show - Mad Mexi Monster Party. Starring in Lucha VaVOOM is Masked Mexican Wrestling superstar SANTO, along with legendary luchadores Blue Demon, Jr., Misterioso and Felino. Blaine Capatch and Patton Oswalt will be on hand to comment on the madcap mexi masked mayhem.

Lucha VaVOOM has searched far & wide to provide the best in burlesque, and bringing the VaVOOM to this Halloween show are Miss Exoticworld '02 Kitten DeVille, Miss Exoticworld '03 Erochica (direct from Tokyo), and Los Angeles favorites Ursulina, Cardinal Cyn, Ming Dynatease and Summer Peaches, as well as San Francisco tassle-twirler extrordinaire Desire D'Amour!

But wait; there's more! What Mexican wrestling and burlesque show would be complete without a magnificent minis match? Crowd favorites Tsuki and Mascarita battle Parkita and Guerrerito in a stunning display of mini might.

WOW! Dig THIS action!


I bet you've probably already guessed- I am totally obsessed with big, poor, pitiful, weepy, sad eyes. I am completely unashamed about the love I have for these saucer eyed waif-y children and pathetic puppies and kitties. There really isn't any oneplace to go, -that has any real information about the artists that were, oh so, popular in the early sixties until about the mid seventies-. Walter and/or Margaret Keane, Gig, Maio, Eden, Eve, Lee, Goji, Ozz Franca, and Igor just to name a few, were all the rage- and have pretty much just disappeared (to many peoples delight) into total obscurity. Now I don't claim that these big eyed cuties were always the epitome of fine art. But they are masterpieces to me. Initially I feared that proclaiming my love for these critters, was just going to limit my chances of finding these treasures. And I was really pretty reluctant to divulge any thing about my big eyed fetish. But after I had the chance to meet Walter and Margaret Keane, and have now met and become good friends with many people who are fellow "big eye" connoisseurs, I was inspired. Some of them have great galleries to browse, some have things to trade or sell, and some are creating there own big eyed art...Although not complete, many of these sites are listed here. And if you have any suggestions, information, original art for sale or trade please feel free to e-mail me

Sick Sad World

"Is it time to swap?" and "What to do with YOUR dead hooker"

Short Happy Films. Oh yeah, you NEED to see these. They are EXACTLY what they sound like. You WILL love love as I do. Unless you're a godless communist...

Short Happy Films

Nicosphere 3000

Holy Crap! It's an enclosed environment of nicotine bliss...or horror! Can you imagine what a person's head would SMELL like after this. You gotta see it. Go on!...LOOK AT IT!!!!



If you are a fan of that whole retro movement. Then this is a cool site for you. It's an interesting site design in any case. But very chic in that retro flava kinda way.

Retrolounge..Dig It!

Happy Bento Sushi Pics

Just pictures of cute little Japanese boxed lunches. Only one page, just a few to give Japanese schoolgirls some even cheesier ideas for cuteness. As though crap like Sailor Moon doesn't do enough to warp their little minds

Check it!


Alysabeth's Big List of Stripper Names

There are color names like Rose, Emerald, Raven and Blanca, animal names like Panther and Bunny, 'good girl' names like Jenny, Emily, Sarah or Kathleen, 'bad girl' names like Poison and Sin. You can describe your personality with a name like Temper, Passion, Serenity or Joy, or go with a city, state or country, like Houston, Dallas, Georgia, Madison or Paris. There are names that make your mouth water, like Brandy and Champagne, Candy, Peaches or Toffee. Call yourself Bobby, Stevie or Frankie, and you can be sure nobody will mistake you for one of the guys. You can give yourself the name you always wanted or the one you plan to name your daughter, like Vivienne, Alyssa or Soleil, or pick a fun name like Sassy, Scandal or Bailey.

A stripper's name, contrary to popular belief, isn't always or even usually a way to hide their identity. It means that they're a member of the sorority. It is the name they have given the embodiment of their glamorous and sensual selves.

This is a list of strippers I have known or heard of in my long career. Every one of these names has been or still is used by a living, breathing, high-heel-wearing sex goddess. Some I only met once and some are the best people I've ever known. I was amazed I still remember a few of these, but there are some I won't ever forget. The list will continue to grow as I keep walking down Memory Lane and hearing from others.

Stripper Names

Project Dalek

Okay, now we all know that the sort of people who are Doctor Who fans are the sort of people you quickly want to punch in the mouth. But nonetheless you should see this site. A lot of work on a lot of wrong. Here's some of their own words:

"Why build a dalek?

If you've asked that question, this isn't the site for you! Anyone who has the dalek building bug wouldn't ask such a question - they just know that daleks HAVE to be built. I can't tell you why but I can tell you how..."

Project Dalek

What swimsuit models really look like before airbrushing! 

Not a Joke site, in fact it is a neat site from a guy who actually does the airbrushing of swimsuit models. This is very interesting. Here's some of his text:
"It doesn't seem natural to me to take out every curve, to airbrush out every blemish, but what the Art Director wants, the Art Director will get. This shows an extreme example of how far an image can be taken."

This is cool

Female Mask Homepage

A "Way Station" on the outer limits of the World Wide Web for travelers with a fascination for Female Rubber Masks.

"Behind my mask I am not me but a new personality ... much more exciting ..."

"Latex smoothes your face ... you are drawn inwards ..."

Do these quotes sound familiar? If so, you are at the right home page on the Web! 8 Years On-line!!!

This is some proto-Silence of the Lambs, sick-puppy stuff here, I KNOW it. I just can't prove it

Female Mask

How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in five easy steps.

Ever wanted to become a trashy internet cam whore, but you just don't know how? Tired of earning money for things the honest way? If you're shameless and conceited enough, then the exciting world of online prostitution may be for you. It's hard at first, but don't get discouraged. Being a cranky bitch and undressing yourself in front of a cam for middle-aged men isn't as easy as it seems, so here are five simple rules to keep in mind when becoming an internet cam whore:

5 Easy Steps

Radio Free Satan

Since our first broadcast at 6 p.m. on June 6th, 35 A.S., (the year 2000) Radio Free Satan, originally a project of The Mephisto Grotto (which has grown to become The Mephisto Media Corporation), has become what it was intended to be- a Real Radio Station with Real Shows and Real DJs with Real Personalities. Each show's format is personal to the DJ - from old-time radio plays to exotica to hardcore to techno/industrial. Our DJs have had interviews with SPIN Magazine, Screech Magazine, and Satanic Men's Magazine- Charming Devil, and more!

To demonstrate the diverse views, interests, and tastes in audio entertainment amongst Satanists, and to provide a proud example of "Satanism In Action".

This Isn't A Joke

Car Stuck Girls dot com

Okay this isn't normally the sort of thing I would post but this is so odd that I just had to. It's like a prep-site for serial killers to get pre-serial killing jollies. But there's not porn or violence here, just pictures of pretty girls nxt to their broken down on the side of the road cars...I know! I don't get it either!!!

3-Billion Year Old Manufactured Spheroids?

At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn't occur naturally.

Some have a thin shell about a quarter inch thick, when broken open are filled with a strange spongy material that disintegrates into dust upon contact with air.

Wierd Spheres


At Shards O' Glass, our goal is to be the most responsible, effective and respected developer of glass shard consumer products intended for adults. Our Shards O' Glass Freeze Pops are the nation's top-selling frozen treats containing glass shards. Little wonder, considering all we put into them! Enjoy your stay here. And remember, Shards O' Glass Freeze Pops are for adults only.


Meat or Accident!

A little strange something from those crazy Brits. A game where you look at a picture of carnage and try to decide if it's Meat or the results of a horrible accident! [Dig the background music as you make your selections.]

Meat or accident

Friday, September 24, 2004

Oh and let me just say

Naughty Freaky Nurses

Banned Books Online

Welcome to this special exhibit of books that have been the objects of censorship or censorship attempts. The books featured here, ranging from Ulysses to Little Red Riding Hood, have been selected from the indexes of The Online Books Page.

This is a cool site. It has the full text of these works ready for you to read, just click and go! Information apparently is very hard to suppress.

Banned Books

Grandma Sanctity

OMGWTFBBQ!!! This is some freaky, sick-ass stuff here! I don't know what's real and what's hideous photoshop wrongosity! Judge the horror for yourself. This is some kind of high-school / frat boy thing gone horrible wrong!

Granny Sanctity


Lucha Libre, Bitches!!! This is the greatest, the Biggest, the most-famous Mexican Wrestler of ALL time!! Here you can find out all that your gringo-ass needs to know about the awesome heroics of EL SANTO!!!!!! Tremble before the 'La Raza' might of EL SANTO!!!

Here you go

World's Youngest Mother

Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital.

When her child was born by Caesarean section in May 1939, Medina made medical history, and is still the youngest known mother in the world.

Lina Medina's parents thought their 5-year-old daughter had a huge abdominal tumor and when shamans in their remote village in Peru's Andes could find no cure, her father carried her to a hospital.

Just over a month later, she gave birth to a boy.


The Star Wars Kid Saga

The Star Wars Kid was just goofing off at school. Now he finds his private performance downloaded by over 15 million Internet users across the world.

The Star Wars Kid is a 15-year-old from Quebec known only as Ghyslain -- his parents are keeping his last name secret to protect his identity. Back in November 2002, Ghyslain was goofing off at a school video studio and recorded himself fighting a mock battle with a golf ball retriever lightsaber. Over two minutes, the video shows the lone, overweight teenager twirling his mock lightsaber ever faster while making his own accompanying sound effects.

Yes, we've all had our dorky, private moments, but this poor kid is living the nightmare of having his private dorkiness projected across the world to giggling Web users. His friends found the tape, and uploaded it to KaZaA as a joke on April 19. Within two weeks, someone had added full Star Wars special effects and sound effects to the tape. Currently, new clone videos are being created at the rate of 1 per day!

Allright now, People!

Rush Limbaugh Eats Everything

This is a bizarre but strangely compelling e-comic. featuring a charicaturesque Rush going WAY over the deep end. It did my heart good. Even if it didn't do my eyes any service


The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb

This feature about Philip Dick's "Valis" experience was published in Weirdo comic #17 from summer, 1986.

It is an interesting graphic interpretation of a series of events which happened to Dick in March of 1974. He spent the remaining years of his life trying to figure out what happened in those fateful months.

You will find all 8 pages of this story here. The file sizes are rather large (120-140K each) so that the text was readable and the detail visible.

Enjoy The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick. In typical Dick fashion, you will find that it raises more questions than it answers.


It Rubs the Lotion

on the Oompa-Loompa. Or else it gets the Hose again. This video is super mega ultra sweet in every possible way. Like a carnival barge loaded down with NINJAS! No, a parade full of carnival barges loaded down with NINJAS. It's THAT good

There's Funny, And then there's what THIS is

This is a quicktime movie of it. If you're a PC user like me, do a search for 'Lotion video' on GOOGLE for a good PC version

Apocamon - no affiliation

This is EXACTLY what Pokemon deserves. No, it deserves MUCH worse. But this will or may give you some giggles.

check it out


WTF!??! It's like Jim Carrey gone hideously Easter-Gay!

Dictator or television sit-com character

A simple yes-no question test that will guess the television sit-com character to dictator you're thinking of

Adolf Gilligan


HOW TO DANCE PROPERLY -- Oh my freakin GOD. I just remembered this and had to post it AGAIN. THIS is rip snortin' comedy. You won't believe this gooberhead



The self-proclaimed 'Worlds Finest Pop-Culture Site" Is Chock-A-Block full of fun stuff to know and see. I advise you to go waste some tim ethere right now. You magnificent sons of.....



Thunder cats bloopers and outtakes. I liked it. You might like it too


A Thanksgiving Special

This one goes out to all you VEGETARIANS out there. (Mom and Dad) You KNOW who you are! Dig this CRAZY comic here. Oh it's funny and disturbing for you carnivores too! Believe you me!

Thanksgiving Special

Hessian Love!

In the spirit of valentines day, we decided it would be unfair if the desire for true love wasn't extended to everybody, including our mustache sporting, wrestling fanatical, mullet haired friends. we thought we'd "kickstart their heart" as you might say, by posting a fake love@aol ad under the name "metalchick". with the addition of a picture from our friend devon sporting a confederate flag bikini, the response from lovestruck ozzfest attendees was overwhelming to say the least. despite what you may think, these responses are (sadly) completely true and unedited. none of the spelling mistakes or vulgarity has been toned down in any way in order to honestly document the true heavy metal lifestyle. so, unless you are already callous to the hessian lifestyle and language, (maybe you had an older hesh stepbrother or classmate) you may want to brace yourself for what lay ahead in this feature. in order to give you some idea of what our haircaped comrades were drooling over, here was "metalchick"s picture and ad:

Hessian Love

Oh so cruel and funny!

Junko Mizuno

I suggest you go RIGHT to the gallery to see the freakiness of this unusual Japanese art and artist. The pictures say 1000 words. Here's one to give you an idea of what KIND of words:


UnSequitur Industries

Our complete line of healthy and time-productive products are featured in convenience store restrooms the world over.

Here are just a few samples:

Hun Deflector™ - Item No. 77892. Patent No. 5,467,890,123. This pocket-sized wonder is your sure-fire defense against an invading would-be emperor. Available with optional Visigoth adapter. Batteries not included.

Oasis Simulator™ - Item No. 77782. Patent Pending. You won't believe your eyes at the inherent value of this revolutionary new USI product. Not recommended for the optically impaired. Some assembly required.

Silence Eliminator™ - Item No. 70082. For those tender moments when quiet just won't cut it, the USI Silence Eliminator gives you more than your fair share of ear-shattering noise. Available in red, ecru, bone and shy green.

Damp-o-Matic 2000™ - Item No. 71482. Who can resist the persuasive power of moisture? This amazing new product is guaranteed to provide a wet countenance at a moment's notice. Not available in Kansas and Guam.

Rid-o-Ron™ - Item No. 75487. If you know someone named Ron, and he just won't stay away, this aerosol spray will leave him running with blood-curdling screams of "I'll never return, I promise." Coming Soon - Rid-o-Rita and Rid-o-Dad. Caution: Follow directions carefully, contents flammable.

Commander Earwax Action Figure™ - Item No. 75486. This tot treat will keep the youngsters amused for hours. Disguised as a common Q-tip, Commander Earwax transforms himself into an actioneer fighting crime with his own special "danger-sauce". Keep out of reach of children.

ClogFest! ™ - Item No. 75486. This winning party game has been a secret treat for generations of fun-seeking teenagers, and now USI brings it home at an affordable price. We can't reveal the details of this joy-a-thon without spoiling its precious secret objective. You'll just have to try it to believe it! Also available February 1st...SUPER ClogFest


Chewbacca Ate My Balls! Homepage



Instructions for meeting time travellers

How often many of us have wondered about the possibility of science creating such a thing in the future? We've known for countless years that anything imaginable by mankind could one day become a reality. Time and time again, this has been proven to be true. It's inevitable that Time Travel will one day be a reality.

H.G. Wells knew that one day we would be able to send a man to the moon. He also believed that space travel for all of us would follow. Wells said future man would also have the power of Time Travel. If his vision is correct, the instructions in this book are the possibility and foundation of tangible evidence for our present and future societies. Arranging a visit from a person of the future is not an easy task to accomplish. To follow the instructions in this book properly takes a great deal of hard work and careful preparation.

By following the directions in this booklet, you'll provide your time visitor with a legal document detailing instructions to determine the when & where, the time & locations of a projected visit........SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED BY YOU, the how is up to them!


Cops Are Not Funny...EVER!

Bizarre Police photos, Lawyer jokes, Cop humor

The Horror!

Rusty is a Homosexual

The AWFUL Truth

The SHIRT! My GOD, the SHiiiirrrrt!

This horrible truth makes the baby Jesus cry and cry and cry....

Online Museum of Hoaxes

Yes, many people have gone to jail for perpetrating hoaxes. The cases that spring most readily to mind are Count Victor Lustig (the famous con man who died in Alcatraz while serving time for the scams he committed), Oscar Hartzell (perpetrator of the Drake Inheritance Hoax), Stanley Clifford Weyman (who fooled President Harding into meeting with Princess Fatima of Afghanistan), Princess Caraboo, Mark Jakob (of the Emulex hoax), and Joseph Howard (of the 1864 Civil War Gold Hoax). There are many others.

But there are really two different kinds of hoaxes: those that are meant to be exposed, and those that are not. Typically, perpetrators of the former kind will not face any punishment. Perpetrators of the latter kind will be sent to jail.

This is a very fun website to read. It's hoax-a-liscious!!!!


It's not only greenhouse gas emissions: Washington's new world order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change.


The High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokoma Alaska-jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy-is part of a new generation of sophisticated weaponry under the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere".

Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich-actively involved in the public campaign against HAARP-describes HAARP as: "A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything-living and dead."

Dr. Rosalie Bertell depicts HAARP as "a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet."

Oh now THIS is great idea that isn't going to kill us all...NOT!!!

Read it and Weep

Fish on Sticks

Here's a very funny mad lib that will make your socks cry and your Aunt unexpectedly send you money in a Quanzaa card. Bottoms up!

Fish on Sticks

Scaring the Masses

I've got a rather odd AOL profile, and because of this I get IMed by weird people a lot. Some of them turn into good friends; most provide me with five minutes of amusement and irritation before disappearing from view forever. BUT -- forever just got a whole lot shorter, because I've decided to post any and all odd/humorous/kooky IM conversations I have. Right now I have 28 (twenty-eight!) that I feel satisfy the requirements of strangeness that I've set. As soon as another weirdo IMs me asking if I've seen their pet flaming duck lately, I'll get it up here for all to see

Be Afriad

Winged Monkey Sprinkler and other insanity

Absurdist comedy is my favorite comedy. Enjoy The Half Bakery, a newfound purveyor of fine comedy products and concept designs. A must-read for shut-ins and paraplegic nuns. FNORD!

The Halfbakery

Wierd encounterin anciernt Incan site in Peru

'The Mystery Guest in Peru'Reported
By: J. R. - Brooklyn, New York - Monday, July 23, 2001 at 06:51:46
Subject: Unexplained Event - Location: 50 miles west of Lima, Peru - Date: March 14, 1998
Time: 7:00 PM - Additional Information: Near ancient tribal ruins - Witnesses: 1Event

Description:I had been in Peru only three days and was traveling with a friend as he visited family. One night after traveling the countryside trying to locate a cousin, we drove by a very dark stretch of country. My friend began to tell me stories of the surrounding area and how old some of the ruins were (although I could not see them). He mentioned how rich the area was spiritually for the old Inca tribes of Peru and that the local villagers respected that, which explained why there wasn't a modern settlement there.

The Full Report

Read these wierd reports!

These are just unrelated reports from people who have had inexplicable things happen to them in their life. They are quite unusual and interesting. And fun to read.

Check it out:

Mr. Greenjeans is a space alien!

Here's proof! Kaptain Kangaroo was harboring a dire conspiracy from beyond the stars!!!!


Joe Kissell's Interesting thing of the day

A fun site. Visit it often for something interesting

Joe Kissell

Mind Controlled Appliances & Computer Programs

A recent post from James Hartman notified us about recent experiments where human thought was used to control appliances. Patrick Bailey found the location on the InterNet which gave more detail and coincidentally enough, I received a catalog in the mail describing a device which allows you to control your movements in various game programs using a biofeedback device. All of the above information is included herein for your consideration.


The Shadow People 1

You're sitting at your computer late at night – only the dim glow of your monitor lights the room. Your cat is happily sitting on the small table beside your desk. It's quiet, you're comfortable, and lost in your work. Suddenly, though, your work is disturbed as you spy a black figure racing at the edge of your vision.You jump and look around.
Nothing is there.
How many times has this happened to you? If you're honest with yourself, I'm sure you'll answer that it's happened more times than you can count. Generally, you would laugh it off as a bit of paranoia or perhaps you were tired. If you're part of a growing group of people, you might claim it was theShadow People.
Who are the Shadow People?Not much is known at this time. Maybe it is indeed our imagination or mythology gone astray. Maybe we're all seeing exactly what we think we're seeing – creatures moving through the shadows.I've heard numerous stories and claims about the true identity of the shadow people. Are they ghosts? Aliens? Extradimensionals?


The Shadow People

The Shadow People(ed.) Recently Len wrote into us with a interesting story about shadow people. Are they trans-dimensional beings, ghosts, or something else? Len has given us a interesting insight into his encounters with them..Have you seen a shadow person? If so let us know! Email us at
The facts and statements of this story are absolutely true...My name is Len, I live in Northwestern Pa. I am the one who sent the photo of the " Dimensional or Interdimensional Portal caught on film...." Now Before I go any further here, Since that photo was taken, and have inquired about it , and had it posted on other web sites, and so forth, I have had some very strange events happen at my home, that so far cannot be explained! The first event started quite normal...( Let me try to explain normal ). The best way to do this is by saying....

Check out this wierd business

This is almost too stupid even for me to post. But hey, it's Mulder Day!

The Mystery Airship of 1896

Eighteen ninety-six was marked by a strange occurrence, an amazing phenomenon that those that saw it probably never forgot. People, by the thousands, living across North America, from San Francisco to Chicago, observed strange lights in the sky. The lights, reportedly an airship, crossed the continent from west to east while the country watched. The excitement started on November 17, 1896 in Sacramento, California. It was a rainy, dismal night. Then, through the dark clouds, appeared a bright light. It moved slowly west appearing to be about a thousand feet above the rooftops. Hundreds of people saw the light including George Scott, an assistant to the Secretary of State of California. Scott persuaded some friends to join him on the observation deck above the capitol dome and from there they thought they could see three lights, not one. Above the lights was a dark, oblong shape.

Mad Scientist Fun!

Entombed Animals

It is one of the strangest phenomena reported. Something that can't happen, but stories saying it does turn up again and again anyway. Stories of animals found alive locked deep within stone or wood, with no observable way they could have entered. This is the mystery of entombed animals:Being at my seat near the village of Meudon, and overlooking a quarryman whom I had set to break some very large and hard stones, in the middle of one we found a huge toad, full of life and without any visible aperture by which it could get there...The laborer told me it was not the first time he had met with a toad and the like creatures within huge blocks of stone...

Spooky if True

The Paluxy Paradox

It was around 1910 when two boys, out for a day of fishing, made a fascinating discovery. Charlie and Grady Moss were walking along the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas, when they spotted something strange on a limestone shelf. There they found a series of tracks imprinted into the rock. Immense tracks of a creature with three toes. Scientists would later identify this animal as a large theropod dinosaur named Acrocanthosaurus. Nearby the three-toed tracks was something even more amazing: A series of oblong footprints in the stone that looked like it came from a giant man.The "giant man tracks," as Charlie described them, quickly became local curiosities. It wasn't until much later that the incredible contradictions such a find would mean came to the attention of the scientific world. If indeed there were human footprints fossilized into the same rock as dinosaur footprints then it must mean that dinosaurs lived at the same time as men. Such a find would totally upset the geological timetable as it was known. Either dinosaurs hadn't died out 65 million years ago as generally thought, or man had come onto the Earth much earlier than any scientific theory would allow.

Giant Man-Tracks - and you know what big hands and big feet mean...

Mystery Hill: America's Stonehenge?

About 40 miles north of the city of Boston, and about 25 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean, is what appears to be the greatest, and perhaps oldest, megalithic enigma of North America. Mystery Hill, also known as "America's Stonehenge", is a site that has puzzled archaeologists for almost a century. Running across the 30 acres of hillside are a series of low walls, cave-like primitive buildings, and tunnels that are spread about with, according to one archaeologist, "gigantic confusion and childish disorder, deep cunning and rude naively." While the hill is compared to the English Stonehenge circle, it is, at first glance, physically quite different. Stonehenge is located on a plain, not a hill, and is arranged neatly as a series of concentric circles, horseshoes and squares. Mystery Hill seems a jumble in comparison. The stones involved in Stonehenge are larger, up to 45 tons. The stones at Mystery Hill are smaller (the largest is about 11 tons) and the construction less intricate


The Lost Gold of Devils Tower

Near the northeast corner of Wyoming is a striking mountain of igneous rock that looks like a gigantic tree-stump. A tree stump over a thousand feet high. Columns run vertically up the top part of the rock like giant scratches. The name given to the mountain by the white man was "Devils Tower." The Indians had many names for it. One of them was "Bear Lodge."Because it is so unusual in its appearance the tower has figured into many Native American legends and in 1977 it was used as the location for the finale of Steven Speilberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.Perhaps the most widely-known legend the Native Americans had about the tower was told by the Kiowa: There were seven girls playing near their village when they were chased by some bears. The girls jumped on a low rock and called to it "Rock, take pity on us, rock save us!" The rock heard them and grew up towards the sky. The bears jumped at the rock scratching it, but they could not climb it. The rock took the girls so high that they became stars. A constellation we now call the Plediades.There is one story, though, that does not deal with the creation of the rock but what is below it. Years ago a resident of that part northeast Wyoming visited Yankton, South Dakota. While there, he showed a picture of Devils Tower to some elderly Sioux Indians he met. One of them got very excited when he saw the picture.

Devil's Tower Hijinx

The Beale Cryptograms

It was 1885 and James B. Ward of Lynchburg, Virginia, was ready to give up. After twenty years of puzzling over a difficult problem with limited success, Ward knew that he had little or no chance of solving the whole thing. He decided to throw the problem open to the public and see if anyone else could be successful. For this reason, he published a pamphlet with the lengthy title: The Beale Papers containing Authentic Statements regarding the TREASURE BURIED in 1819 and 1821, near Bufords, in Bedford County, Virginia, and Which Has Never Been Recovered. In this pamphlet Ward told a strange story. Ward wrote that according to letters written from Thomas J. Beale to Robert Morriss, Beale had led a party of thirty men west in 1817 on a buffalo hunt in northern New Mexico. While out west they discovered a rich vein of gold and gave up hunting in favor of mining. By 1819 they had accumulated a large store of gold. According to the account ...the question of transferring our wealth to some secure place was frequently discussed. It was not considered advisable to retain so large an amount in so wild and dangerous a locality, where its very possession might endanger our lives; and to conceal it there would avail nothing, as we might at any time be forced to reveal its place of concealment.


The Newark Decalogue

This neato thing is considered a hoax by many but it's still fun. Check out:The Newark Decalogue: Hoax or History?In November of 1860, amateur archaeologist David Wyrick made an interesting discovery. His excavation exposed a small rock, perhaps seven inches long, composed of "black limestone." The stone had been carved so that one side showed a robed, bearded man. Around the man and then along the sides and back of the object were carved what turned out to be a condensed version of The Ten Commandments. The commandments were written in ancient Hebrew with a peculiar form of post-Exilic square lettering. The artifact itself had been contained in a small stone box that had obviously been hollowed out precisely to contain the carved stone. Nearby, a small stone bowl, about the size of a teacup, was also found. The carved stone, which was to become known as the Decalogue, seemed to be designed to fit into the hand, and even showed wear marks where it had come into contact with the owner's fingers and a nub where it might have been tethered to the left arm. Researchers concluded that it was a Jewish arm phylactery or tefilla from the Second Temple Period (20BC-70AD). Such an object would have been used by its owner in his daily prayers. This object would have been an interesting, but not controversial, find if located in the Mideast. The problem was that Wyrick had been excavating an ancient Indian mound near Newark, Ohio, USA. Why was this Hebrew artifact found in the American Midwest?

Check it Out!

The Bagdad Battery

Sitting in the National Museum of Iraq is a earthenware jar about the size of a man's fist. Its existence could require history books throughout the world to be rewritten.The little jar in Baghdad suggests that Volta didn't invent the battery, but reinvented it. The jar was first described by German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig in 1938. It is unclear if Konig dug the object up himself or located it within the holdings of the museum, but it is known that it was found, with several others, at a place called Khujut Rabu, just outside Baghdad.

Probably got looted during the recent war

The Magic Spear

The motion picture Raiders of the Lost Ark was an exciting fictional saga with evil Nazis, a heroic archaeologist and a missing supernatural treasure. The tale that inspired the movie, though, was almost as gripping as the film. It comes from a 1973 book by historian Trevor Ravenscroft entitled The Spear of Destiny. Ravenscroft says this true story starts close to 2000 years ago: On the day Christ was crucified (a Friday) the Bible tells us that the Jews asked the Roman Governor, Pilate, to remove his body, along with the thieves crucified with him, so that they would not remain on the crosses during the sabbath (Saturday). It could take several days for a man to die from the cruel execution of crucifixion, but the process could be shortened by breaking the victim's legs. The thieves were killed this way, but when the Roman soldiers reached Jesus, one of them, reportedly a centurion named Longinus, saw he was already dead and proved it to his fellows by using his spear to pierce the Christ's side. Blood and water poured out. There was no need to break his bones

Spear and Magic Helmet


It's like some sort of resource for Scooby Doo Gang / Fox Mulder type folks who want to really pack their heads with easy to read info about mysterious crap.

Mystery Mag

My favorite subject here is Time Anomalies

A very fun alien encyclopedia.

Okay now THIS is fun. WHen you go to this website you have to scroll down a little bit right away but you will quickly see the Alien Encyclopedia there. The fun thing that I found about the Alien Encyclopedia is the way that reading it's brief entries quickly begins to reveal a complex cosmology of conspiracy / xenophobiac theories and beliefs that are entertaining in their pervasiveness and scope. Go and check out the info here and make yourself a veritable Fox Mulder of alien conspiracy theory knowledge

Alien Encyclopedia

Esoteric writing and information

Oh my friends, my friends, if you ever wanted to learn about secret societies and hermetic / esoteric occult traditions, HERE is a great place to do it. You can learn more here than you would in a semester of the subject in any college. Groove on the fascinating stories and writings here.

The Piri Re'is Map

Most theories about ancient unknown civilizations are based on absolutely no physical evidence, usually just hearsay and speculation. What really would shake the basis of our knowledge of history would be an actual artifact. This probably wouldn't be something spectacular like finding a sunken city in the Atlantic, or armor-piercing bullets embedded in a dinosaur skeleton. It would probably be something that only an expert in the field would recognize as anomalous.More likely, this artifact would be a document or tradition from the past which reveals a deep understanding of some scientific fact recently discovered. This could be a description of the structure and function of DNA, knowledge of astronomy or physics which is only known to modern science . . . or accurate maps of the earth drawn long before the "Age of Exploration". The Piri Re'is map appears to be just that artifact. The Piri Re'is Map is only one of several anomalous maps drawn in the 15th Century and earlier which appear to represent better information about the shape of the continents than should have been known at the time. Furthermore, this information appears to have been obtained at some distant time in the past.

Design #645410044

It's a contraceptive device that traps small animals! It can bring down an elephant and can be programmed to perform simple tasks.

Surrealist Technology

Evil Pictograms

Go look at these great pictographic signs for your workplace and laugh until your stomach pops open and your liver pops out.

Evil Pictograms

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Ten Reasons I F*cking Hate Cubicles

10. Being told to "think outside the box" when I'm in a box all day long.
9. Not being able to check e-mail attachments without turning around to see who's behind me.
8. Cubicle walls do not offer much protection from any kind of gun fire.
7. That nagging feeling that if I press the right button, I'll get a piece of cheese.
6. Lack of roof rafters for the noose.
5. The walls are too close together for the hammock to work right.
4. 23 power cords - 1 goddamned outlet.
3. Prison cells are not only bigger, they also have fucking beds.
2. The carpet has been there since 1986 and shows more signs of life than some of my coworkers.
1. You can't slam the door on your way out when you quit.

There's bound to be something good at a site called DISOBEY.

Check it out

Smile and act

Funny para-lesbian site. Check the SEX section for the Ho-In-The-Know advice column. It's a hizoot!


Klingon Language Institute

Welcome to the Klingon Language Institute. That's right, Klingon. Those bumpy headed aliens of Star Trek really have their own language, one which has far outgrown mere television and film. That's what we're about. We're here to promote and support this unique and exciting language. So, whether you've just stumbled in here by accident, or lost a bet, or have sought long and hard for people who share your passion for the warriors' tongue, come on in. Our site has information and resources to interest both skeptic and enthusiast alike. Join us in our exploration of the galaxy's fastest growing language.

This is where the DORKISM starts.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek 2

as a follow up to my post yesterday, here's someone elses Trek vs Wars in 5 minutes lowdown

Star Whores vs Tar Bleck

The debate rages on!

The Department of Culture


Okay this little site bears explaining. What it does is allow the NON graphically inclined of you to make your own icon for use on your computer desktop, or your instant messenging program or whatever you might need an icon for. It's fast and easy to understand. It walks you through the process step by step.

Fantabulous Iconomatic

How To Tell If Your Head's About To Blow Up

MOSCOW -- Doctors are blaming a rare electrical imbalance in the brain for the bizarre death of a chess player whose head literally exploded in the middle of a championship game!

No one else was hurt in the fatal explosion but four players and three officials at the Moscow Candidate Masters' Chess Championships were sprayed with blood and brain matter when Nikolai Titov's head suddenly blew apart. Experts say he suffered from a condition called Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis or HCE.

"He was deep in concentration with his eyes focused on the board," says Titov's opponent, Vladimir Dobrynin. "All of a sudden his hands flew to his temples and he screamed in pain. Everyone looked up from their games, startled by the noise. Then, as if someone had put a bomb in his cranium, his head popped like a firecracker."

God Bless the Weekly World News ( a.k.a. - The Papers

Wallace and Gromit

Park’s films work on many levels. Children respond to the broad character comedy, adults to the more sophisticated elements including the affectionate spoofing of movie genres such as horror films, thrillers, heist pictures, action movies and the deep shadows and crazy camera angles of film noir. This richness of character and relentlessly paced animation (the model train chase in The Wrong Trousers and the motorbike pursuit in A Close Shave) have carried clay animation to unprecedented heights. --Wow, that's pretty fancy-shmancy wordsmithing for claymation. But it's pretty true. Wallace and Gromit are excellent characters in excellent shows. Dig thier homepage:

Wallace and Gromit

The Fatty Arbuckle Story

When I went to San Francisco last year, my friend Trey pointed out the building where this infamous event occured, introducing me to the tale of Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle, comedian and alleged rapist. Now here for us all is the real story the true tale of misapprehension and malfeasance.

Check it out

The Office of Human Radiation Experiments

The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects. We have undertaken an intensive effort to identify and catalog relevant historical documents from DOE's 3.2 million cubic feet of records scattered across the country. Internet access to these resources is a key part of making DOE more open and responsive to the American public.

No-no, this is for real. it's seriously the Department of Energy. You MUST see the media section!

Atomic Mayhem in the Era of Nuclear Ignorance

Landover Baptist Church

You've seen it before, now see it again. The sacreliscious comedy just keeps on coming, like The Terminator!


Banned Commercial Spots

"In a totalitarian system, you aren't allowed to talk back to the government; in the corporate system, you can't talk back to the sponsor"

Media spots the MEDIA doesn't want you to see. Part of the awesome project ""

TV you SHOULD see

Amittyville Bore

Here's the story of what really happened at the House the Movie made famous. Replete with pictures, testimonials, and a disappointing revelation that the truth is seldom as interesting as the fiction

Amittyville Horror

The Amittyville Hoax

Here's the story of what really happened at the House the Movie made famous. Replete with pictures, testimonials, and a disappointing revelation that the truth is seldom as interesting as the fiction

Amittyville Horror

The Wonderfull World of Longmire

What A Blog Should Look Like. Well, this is probably the best designed personall website ive seen this week. That's the real reason I'm posting it. Other than that. Who freakin' cares about this clown?!


The NeoScience Institute The NeoScience Institute

The NeoScience Institute is a global scientific organization that is self-funded and self-sufficient. We bring you the latest in science breakthroughs, and are taking over the world so that you don't have to. We're committed to achieving all that science can achieve, and to leading the way into new scientific frontiers. We're fully dedicated to finding the truth, no matter how false it might be. No safety issue is too great, and no life is too valuable to stand in the way of discovery.

We are the new science, for a new age.

Making your life harder in the name of science.

Acme Vaporware

Rather than trying to explain this. You should just go see it. It's more fun that screeching weasels. And it's wierder than a DEVO fan in a Rocky Horror Picture Show costume party. Well, okay. Maybe not THAT wierd.

See the MAIN site!

Visit thier MUSEUM!

See thier AWESOME products!

Vaporware is KING!

H. R. Giger

When I was a teen-ager, I LOVED this guy. Now he has his own site.

Techno-Organic Art

Of course, I also loved Patrick Nagel too, so what does that say about my taste!? Damn that Duran Duran for introducing me to westernized, faux-japanese art style!

We've got:
ungodly demonesses
Unbelievable news
God's own advice column
Insane musings
Dirty Jokes

And more

Well what could go wrong with THAT lineup!?!?

Hello and welcome to HELL

Hello and welcome to HELL, a vile and horrific hole in the fabric of the Internet. During your stay here, we will destroy your computer, empty your bank accounts, ruin your reputation and, in the very unlikely event that you survive, have you arrested. Sounds like fun, doesn't it.

Isn't modern technology delightful? While you've been reading this, we've been doing some truly horrible things to you...
Destroying your credit rating. Simply by sending e-mails to a few key addresses, we've made sure that you will never be trusted with money again, by anyone...

Sent some highly incriminating faxes to your boss. Not only will you be fired before the next working day is out, but you will almost certainly never get work again.

Registered you with the French Foreign Legion - as a suicide bomber. We couldn't leave you without work, could we?

Arranged to have obscene and immoral pictures and videos of you published in your local newspapers and TV stations. Your neighbors will never look at you in the same way again, sweetie.

Well, thanks ever so much for visiting Hell. We hope you've had a truly miserable time and look forward to serving you for all of eternity


The Dialect Translator

I like the Buckwheat dialect the best. It's the most non-sensical

Dialect Translator


See my many posts for propaganda posters from all over the world. From Nazi Germany to Communist China and points in between. Let's get this party started with Posters from the good ol' U.S. of A.!

The Propaganda Remix Project

These posters are so good I almost crapped my pants!

Tired of the propaganda?

Inspired by the recent article in Playboy "Guilt Trip - One Toke Over The Line?", and following the format of the ads that started with the Superbowl, here are a few we put together:

Jeb Bush
Peruvian air force pilot
SWAT team
Ohio Governor Bob Taft
Court room

German Propaganda Archive

This is a collection of Nazi posters from 1933-45. Many are taken from photographs made by Dr. Robert D. Brooks at the German Federal Archives in Koblenz. A collection of pre-1933 posters is also available. I have gathered the remainder from a wide range of sources.

Arbeit Macht Frei, Baby!

Oh yeah, these are classics. If I was in a band I would Totally rip-off these designs for my flyers. With my face photoshopped over Hitler's of course...and no swastikas, know...nazis and stuff...

Steun! Stem! Staak!

Dutch Political Posters. The site is in dutch but it's painfully obvious where to click. These are interestingly designed too. Going all the way back to the 1920s

Check it out

There's some wierd, 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' style illustrations on some of these. Enjoy!

Chinese Posters

The Chinese posters on this site are divided in three sections: the early years (1949-1965), the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and the period of modernization up to the present (1977-1997). See also Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages.
Since 1949, the Communist Party is in power in China, with Mao Zedong as chairman. In the early years, poster propaganda focuses on building the new country. The late 1950s bring the forced collectivization of agriculture and the campaign for the Great Leap Forward, which was to boost China's industrial production. The happy, energetic, and idyllic scenes on the posters contrast with the grim reality of mismanagement in industry and agriculture, which resulted in a horrible famine in which 30 to 40 million people starving to death.
On the posters, elements of Socialist Realism are recognizable, inspired by examples and teachers from the Soviet Union. From the beginning they are blended with elements of traditional Chinese painting and popular art: sweet colours, applied in soft gradations or combinations of heavy black contours with bright flat colours.
In the early 1960s there is an economic liberalization to encourage production. At the same time, an extremely aggressive style of propaganda is developed for use against Western imperialism. This is especially evident in posters on the Vietnam War. In 1966 Mao launches the Cultural Revolution to eliminate his reformist rivals and set the country back on a rigid communist course. An enormous propaganda campaign gets under way, with hundreds of thousands of copies of posters being distributed. The posters show political adversaries crushed by giant workers, determined volunteer soldiers carry machine guns and seem ready to use them. The smiling image of Mao overshadows all, hovering above crowds carrying red flags and Little Red Books.
Designers use examples rather than an individual style, as individualism is not appreciated. Experienced designers have to work anonymously or in collectives, or are not allowed to work at all. Every detail has a distinct meaning on the posters. Gestures and grouping of figures in frozen poses often call to mind scenes from the revolutionary Beijing Operas. Red is the dominant colour on almost every poster. Every nuance of the ruling ideology is spread with an incredible intensity.
In the early 1970s the situation loosens up slightly. The emphasis shifts to the countryside and to the glorification of life in the agricultural communes. Posters become more colourful again, often painted in the style that combines heavy contours with carefully shaded colours. The folk painters from Huxian county are touted as true folk artists, demonstrating the innate artistic abilities of the people. Hundreds of their paintings are made into posters.
After Mao's death in 1976, his most fanatical supporters (called the Gang of Four) are arrested by Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng. He brings about reforms that are carried further by Deng Xiaoping, who gradually gains power. In his view, some liberalization is necessary to allow China to catch up with the world industrially and economically. For the first time, posters show traces of growing material wealth. Role models are used to teach people the desired attitude. But social problems are becoming visible too: corruption, crime, and overpopulation. Political control over the visual arts is loosened. The Chinese version of Socialist Realism is no longer the only form of expression permitted, as the restriction had caused the most talented artists to turn away from creating propaganda posters. The influence of Western advertising becomes increasingly evident. Even the people on the posters seem less 'Chinese'.
Conspicuously absent is the glorification of political leaders after Hua Guofeng. Deng detested the cult of idolization. Absent also are reactions to the great drama of Tian'anmen Square in 1989. The posters are no longer as central in state propaganda as they had been. In the later 1990s, poster production declines dramatically. The heyday is over.

Check it out
Do I need to even talk about what a hoot these posters are?

Cuban Posters

With a small rebel army, Fidel Castro seizes power in Cuba by the end of 1958. Although he tries to take an independent line, he must deal with significant Russian influence on the new regime. The socialist realist posters from the early years attest to this influence.
Around 1965, in a period of strained relations with the Soviet Union, the Cubans decide to develop styles more suitable to their own circumstances. A period of artistic freedom follows. The arts flourish, and there are lively international contacts. Talented Cuban artists start designing colourful, inventive posters of traditional subjects such as commemorations of the revolution or calls for more production. The Cuban leaders are portayed as cheerful and unconventional. Especially striking are the splendid posters issued by cultural organizations such as the ICAIC, the Cuban film institute. OSPAAAL, the organization for solidarity with the people of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, distributes its posters worldwide. Che Guevara's portrait is transformed into an international symbol for romantic rebellion.
In the 1970s the liveliness becomes less marked. Artistic freedom is subordinated to the spreading of the proper revolutionary morality. Ties with the Soviet Union are tightened in the same period. A unique chapter in the history of the political poster comes to an end.
Freaky psychadelic designs in the latter years will make you question the Cuban political mind.

Soviet Posters

With the Russian Revolution of 1917, for the first time in history an entire nation is governed by a communist system. The posters from the first years of this governmentshow revolutionary zeal and optimism of building a new society. Campaigns are waged to eliminate illiteracy and improve health care. Other posters attack the opponents of Lenin's government: a bloody civil war swept the country until 1920. Progressive artists use the poster as a medium to reach a broad public. As far as style is concerned, they do not have to cope with artistic directives yet.
By 1930, Stalin is in full control. Propaganda focuses on political discipline and the Five Year Plans, ambitious programs for the collectivization of agriculture and establishment of heavy industry. The posters give a powerful, dynamic impression, using photomontage, compositions with diagonal lines, and strong contrasts in colours and shapes.
In the 1930s, this Constructivist style falls from grace. Critics claim it is unrealistic, too difficult to comprehend, and too individualistic. Constructivist designers experience great difficulties; only Socialist Realism is approved. Happy, healthy, young workers and determined soldiers are the principal subjects, as well as, of course, the friendly smiling Stalin.

Check it out,

Great design, good reference material if you want to do flyers for your show in a similar style.

Bush vs. Jesus

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I'll bet you havent seen THIS type of sight design before


Chinese Posters

I couldn't remember if I had already posted these or not. So here is a nifty site devoted to inspirational Chnese posters from the era of inspirational communism. With translations! That's the best part! Not only are the images a hoot, but the crap they actually say is even more head shakingly humorous. the forward and back buttons ar eat the top of the page just above the pictures, not at the bottom