I think at this point, when I am absolutely certain that voter apathy (you saw my ass at the polls this time, right?) and funny business had nothing to do with the election results; when more people than ever turned out at the polls this year to vote their heart or pocketbook or genitalia; when America was more passionate than EVER about politics; when young people had the opportunity to be more informed than ever and accessibility to and INTEREST IN information is at an all time high; when I saw the real, honest, passionate heart of America go red last night, one state at a time, I think that I must start to believe that I truly do live in a microcosm of Los Angeles. This is not the country I thought I lived in. I can't blame the candidates, I can only blame the people and myself for believing I lived in a world that I obviously don’t. All I can say is that America truly proved last night what an absolutely ignorant, one-sided, selfish, stubborn nation we truly are - by majority, it is undeniable, and majority is a founding principal of democracy.
We The People have spoken, and we spoke for dishonesty, violence, repression, big brother, big business, big government, and fear. We The People told the world last night just how disinterested in freedom we really are. We The People told the world last night that the war in Iraq is completely justified. We The People told them our war for oil is worth keeping up till the last man dies. We The People said that WE DON’T CARE if our President LIES to us, USES and MANIPULATES our emotions to DESTROY our own freedom and then sends soldiers to DIE under the guise of bringing freedom to an OPPRESSED and CONTROLLED people while he does the same to his own. We The People told them loud and clear that we are more than happy to ignore the voice of the WORLD in favor of our own, and make no apologies for it. We The People showed them how certain we are that we are right and they are wrong. We The People showed the world how much we value money, and how much we value life. We The People showed them all our true face... but the most shocking part is that it didn't look anything at all like mine. I am disappointed. I am embarrassed. I am ashamed. And I am frightened - more so than I can ever remember.
Where do I belong? I thought this was MY country and that it would be proven through the voice of the REAL people last night. And it was. Not in the way I thought it would, the way I was convinced it would, the way my hope for humanity was riding on. But it was. It was not the voice I wanted to hear, but it WAS THE VOICE. The face of America IS the face of George W. Bush, whether the rest of us like it or not. America IS what George W. Bush stands for. It was proven by more than 2 million votes, and the ballots are still rolling in. This is not the country I thought I lived in.
Where is MY country?
Do I live in a country that is so decisive that Bush could win in so many states so early? Do I live in a country where Alaskans VOTE to level and pollute their own state in search of oil? Do I live in a country where 90% (NINETY PERCENT)of the President's neighbors in D.C. want him gone and yet the rest of the nation that doesn't have to live next to him want to have him stay? Do I live in a country where my President goes on more vacations, listens less to his people, is more openly stupid and controlling in every word that comes out of his mouth, who POUTS and speaks absolute nonsense during open debates, and who has been WRONG about EVERYTHING he has predicted gets SUPPORTED during an election? Do I live in a country that so devalues its own founding principals that I'm actually watching what I'm watching? That supports lies and disinformation? That is so easily brainwashed? Is all the gnashing of teeth from the last few years really been for nothing and war is still valued more than education? Are we really becoming a country of good automatons, just like they want it?
We The People answered those questions last night.
And the answer was "YES".