Children, excerpted commentary by Rev. Dr. Eric Willman
"...children exist in a world that is a constant struggle for "what I want" with no other responsibilities to distract them from this single minded pursuit, much to the detriment of the adults around them who must abide by a considerably more complicated set of rules..."
"...children have almost no sense of decorum and feel no cumpunction against behaving poorly in a solemn social situation if it conflicts with their pursuit of "what i want"..."
"...children have no opinion that matters. EVER. their opinions while occasionally clever, and sometimes accidentally witty are most-often only accidentally humorous due to the extreme ignorance or naivete of the absurd thing they have said..."
"...the purpose of children is to become adult, and therefore, fully human. Anythign else they are doing is irrelevant. Do not lose sight of this crucial fact as a parent or you fall into the trap of actually paying attention to some asinine thing they are saying or worse yet, doing. Which distracts you from your purpose of being a human, that is to say, a mature adult human, reacting and acting in the world as the result of intelligent, conscious choices and decisions..."
" 'THE ADULT WORLD' -Where accountability is KING!" by Rev. Dr. Eric Z. Willman available in fine book stores near you